We’re innovating for your growth

Whether you’re a client, user, partner or employee, DataBillity is here to make your ideas, purpose and passions become a reality through community and technology.

A stack built with world class technologies

Unified data that seamlessly drives conversions and loyalty

Marketers incorporating data-driven personalization into their overall strategy
Consumers only likely to use a brand’s promotions if they’re tailored to previous interactions
Big Data growth rate over the next 7 years for businesses that want to improve efficiencies and operations

Achieve a future where personalized selling and marketing provides competitive advantages at scale

DataBillity is dedicated to helping businesses unlock the power of their customer data for personalized selling and marketing as well as enabling better payment experiences across their channels.

Whether you are looking to improve your payment processing rates and capabilities, marketing campaigns, personalize your customer experiences, or gain insights into customer behavior, our platform has everything you need to get the job done.

Our Seattle and Vancouver B.C. based team is made up of experienced data and Fintech professionals with a passion for developing and implementing innovative AI and ML powered data and payment solutions.

We understand the challenges businesses face when it comes to collecting, organizing, analyzing and putting customer data to work, and we have developed a comprehensive platform to address these challenges.


We pioneer progress guided by
our core principles

Unite in purpose,
play as one

With empathy as our guide, we bring our true selves to the table each day. Our collective goal is to nurture and expand our company, and in this game, victory or defeat is a shared experience

Strive for daily improvement

Our aspirations know no bounds, yet time is finite. In moments of urgency, we swiftly address issues, patching the leaks to propel forward.

Develop with
longevity in focus

We strengthen solutions by steadfastly centering on customer success, engineering systems for heightened efficiency, and envisioning sustainable scalability for the long term


We grow businesses and brands through
thought leadership, data and relationships.

Bryan Guy
CEO, Co-Founder
Jonathan Regalado
CTO, Co-Founder
Charles Doyon
Vice President, Product
Michael Nandlall
Vice President, Analytics
Nevin Mahilal
Sr. Director, Data Engineering
Matt Wong
SVP, Digital
Julia Nagai
Director, Operations

Unify your data and enable personalization to grow your business